Day one

I didn't do any races this year, I usually do a couple. My old compatriot Tim Shogun is probably disappointed. I am disappointed. Sorry Shogun. (Road Bike races by the way)

What's up folks, welcome to Daddy's Running Club.  We (or shall I say I, bc it's just me) would like to introduce you to a blog about nothing, well maybe something, as I just had this idea while taking a piss at work. My idea is this, I'm a dad and I run, kind of, it's more like jog. I used to be really into cycling and I still have the bikes to prove it, just fell out of love with the rituals. The putting on the kit, checking tires, brakes, derailleurs,  all whilst avoiding the raging  meth-heads  driving around In a dilapidated Ford Taurus. Okay you get the point.

I figure I could bullshit for a while, share a story,  and maybe review stuff that other dads might find useful. It's a work in progress.

This morning I went for a run. I set my iPhone to go off at 5am, and it did, it was so extremely loud, what the f$&@? So I lay in bed for a while, looking at twitter, trying to wake up. Ive read that the blue light from our mobile devices makes us insomniacs, or something. So I use this strategy to wake up. After about 30-minutes of getting real-time news, I'm ready to go. It's 5:30a, the wife and kids are sleeping soundly.  I fumble through a laundry basket of clean clothes, my wife is probably pissed that I haven't put them away, to find some shorts and a shirt. I find neither, its so fucking dark. I end up shining some light on the situation to find a base layer and a t-shirt to wear. I think I left some shorts downstairs. I go downstairs, sans shorts, find my Myles Apparel running shorts. That's a plug because they are my favorite shorts. I make coffee, Starbucks Sumatra, what can I say, I'm basic. I sneak-a-cup from the Mr. Coffee, add some cold water from the fridge,  drink it down, black, then strap on my heart rate monitor and head out the front door.

It's dark and cold, I started running because I was getting fat from drinking beer and not riding my bike. I went out and bought an outrageously expensive pair of running shoes and started running again. I swore off running in 2010 after the Syracuse Mountain Goat. These shoes inspired me to get back on the horse. The sneaks give me an added boost and are so fricken comfortable, I never want to take them off. I wore them a week straight and they ended up smelling, so I gave them a few rest days and stopped wearing them every day all day. I would buy a second pair but started using disposable income on cryptocurrency.

Where was I, oh yeah, it was cold and dark, on a Friday the 13th of October. The cold wears off after about 5-minutes of slow pace, I need to warm up my joints. I'm feeling spry so I pick it up. I run around my small cul -de-sac three times, not too many people out this morning. The neighborhood is shaped like a figure eight and is just over 1-mile. It is flanked  by woods on one side and a private golf course on the other. I get 3.1 in according to Strava. I'm not using Strava today though because the hardware I have it installed on (iPhone 6s Plus) is way too big for activities. So I'm running with the work phone, another iPhone, I think it's a 5s. Nice and compact. I think to myself that the advertising on the free version of Spotify is intrusive and that Pandora (free) is a better service for this reason. I finish up my 3.1 in 27:27, not too shabby.

Okay enough for today, check back again and Follow me on twitter: @rawmarks

Maybe I'll get a beer later, I hope you do.

With love,

The Daddy


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